Thursday, December 30, 2010

Open Feed Water Heater (Deaerator)

Open Feed Water Heater (Deaerator)

An open feadwater heater , also called direct-contact and deaerating (DA) heater , is one that heats the feedwater by directly mixing it with bled steam from the turbine. Usually only one DA is used at Power Plant.
Because the pressure in such a heater can’t exceed the turbine pressure at the point of extraction, a pump (Main Boiler Feed Water Pump) must follow the heater. The confluence of steam and water flows makes possible the efficient removal of noncondensables as well as the heating of the feedwater.

The DA heater is usually positioned in the feedwater line at a pressure to prevent air inleakage and at a temperature at which Oxygen retention is least likely. Most DA heaters are designed for Oxygen concentration in the outlet feedwater below 0.005Cm3/L
The DA outlet feedwater is at or near saturation. Pumping saturated water results in cavitation because of the pressure drop below saturated pressure, thus causing flashing on the back side of pump vanes. The DA heater is therefore usually positioned in the powerplant steam-generator house high above its pump by perhaps 60 ft. This provides sufficient pump inlet pressure to render the saturated water compressed (or subcooled) and prevents cavitations.

There are three types of  DA heaters for industrial and utility use.
1) Spray-Type deaerators .
In this type the feedwater enters the heater through nozzles that spray it into the extraction-steam-filled heater space. The water is heated and scrubbed to release the noncondensables gases. A second agitation of the now-heated feedwater by another steam flow is provided by an internal baffling system.

2) Tray-Type deaerators.
Here the feedwater is directed onto a series of cascading horizontal trays. It falls in sheets or tubes from tray to tray and comes into contact with rising extraction steam admitted from the bottom of the tray system. As scrubbing occurs and noncondensables gases and some steam rise, they come into contact with colder water, resulting in a reduced volume of high concentration of noncondensables to vent into the atmosphere.

3) Combination spray-tray deaerator
In this type, the feedwater is first sprayed into a steam-filled space, then made to cascade down trays. This combination type with horizontal stainless steel trays is currently preferred by utilities. 

You noticed that just below the heater, is a relatively large feedwater tank (Storage Tank) which allows sufficient water for rapid load variations.


  1. What considerations would you want to keep in mind for sizing an open feedwater heater for a small nulcear plant?

  2. Great product. Please provide equipment DATA SHEET and material of construction. IF possible what is deivery port and delivery time mention please.

    Further more important provide the list of price for working with potential clients.


    Zaheer A Mirza,

  3. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information DEAERATING SYSTEM
