Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin Temperature Scales

Tc = T - 273.15

This Equation shows that the Celsius temperature Tc  is shifted from the absolute  
(Kelvin) temperature T by 273.15°. Because the size of a degree is the same on the two
scales, a temperature difference of 5°C is equal to a temperature difference of 5 K. The
two scales differ only in the choice of the zero point. Thus, the ice-point temperature
on the Kelvin scale, 273.15 K, corresponds to 0.00°C, and the Kelvin-scale steam point,
373.15 K, is equivalent to 100.00°C.

A common temperature scale in everyday use in the United States is the Fahrenheit
scale. This scale sets the temperature of the ice point at 32°F and the temperature
of the steam point at 212°F. 

The relationship between the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales is as follows in
the following equation

Tf = 9/5 Tc + 32 

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